Earthborn Wood Paints for Walls

Displaying 3 products

  4.8/5.0  (78)
A luxurious ultra-matt emulsion clay paint, perfect for a wide range of interior projects.
  • 2-3 coats
  • 10m² per litre
  • 12 hrs drying time
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Available in 100ml, 2.5L, 5L
  5.0/5.0  (2)
A water-based emulsion paint for interior walls, wood and plaster. Highly durable and washable.
  • 2 coats
  • 10-12m² per litre
  • 8 hrs drying time
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Available in 2.5L, 5L
  5.0/5.0  (1)
A water-based masonry paint for use on a wide range of interior and exterior mineral surfaces.
  • 2 coats
  • 6m² per litre
  • 9 hrs drying time
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Available in 100ml, 5L