Dulux Trade Wood Varnishes for Furniture

Displaying 3 products

  4.9/5.0  (22)
A water-based, low odour interior varnish offering up to ten times the durability of conventional finishes.
  • 2-3 coats
  • 18m² per litre
  • 4 hrs drying time
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Available in 1L, 2.5L, 5L
  3.8/5.0  (14)
Tough and durable, solvent-based polyurethane varnish for interior doors, furniture, joinery and more.
  • 2-3 coats
  • 16m² per litre
  • 24 hrs drying time
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Available in 1L, 2.5L, 5L
  5.0/5.0  (6)
Quick drying water-based polyurethane varnish for interior doors, joinery and more.
  • 2-3 coats
  • 20m² per litre
  • 2 hrs drying time
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Available in 1L, 2.5L