Blanchon Wood Finishes for Tables


Displaying 4 products

  4.9/5.0  (8)
A natural hard wax oil for interior wooden floors, furniture, worktops and paneling. Colours and protects wooden surfaces.
  • 2 coats
  • 20m² per litre
  • 6 hrs drying time
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Available in 250ml, 1L, 2.5L
  5.0/5.0  (20)
A dust proof, natural hard wax oil for interior wooden floors, furniture, worktops and paneling. Penetrates deep into the wood.
  • 2 coats
  • 20m² per litre
  • 8 hrs drying time
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Available in 250ml, 1L, 2.5L
A waterbased woodstain offering a wide range of decorative effects, giving new wood an aged look.
  • 1 coat
  • 15m² per litre
  • 8 hrs drying time
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Available in 1L, 5L
An additive that mixes with Wood-Ageing colours to create a range of pastels and lighter shades.
  • 15m² per litre
  • 8 hrs drying time
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Available in 1L, 5L
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