Colron Wood Oils for Tables

Displaying 3 products

  5.0/5.0  (49)
Natural oils and resins that feed the wood to provide a natural waterproof finish.
  • 3 coats
  • 12m² per litre
  • 6 hrs drying time
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Available in 500ml
  5.0/5.0  (2)
A select blend of natural oils and water repellents for interior and exterior wood surfaces.
  • 3 coats
  • 3m² per litre
  • 24 hrs drying time
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Available in 500ml
  5.0/5.0  (4)
A unique blend of resins and pure tung oil for antiques, antique furniture and other fine wooden surfaces.
  • 3 coats
  • 24m² per litre
  • 6 hrs drying time
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Available in 500ml