In this video Ben from Wood Finishes Direct will show you the best tools and application methods when applying Manns Premier UV Decking Oil.
Premier UV Decking Oil FAQ
Is it OK to apply decking oil a couple of days after the first coat?
This is entirely dependent on the product. Some products have wax in their recipe which hardens after a few days. This is a part of the protection so it can repel rain water and other spillages. If this is the case you might struggle to apply the second coat after a longer period of time after the first coat. Double check with the instructions on the tin to be sure.
How often should I oil my decking?
This is like the ‘How long is a piece of string’ question. Every deck has its own unique characteristics that can include how new or old it is, what type of wood is it made from, Is it south facing or a different direction, how much weather exposure does it get, how much wear does it get and which type of decking oil has been used. Because of all these factors it is impossible to say exactly how long a decking oil will last or to recommend a set maintenance period.
In most cases, oiled decking should be given a fresh maintenance coat at least twice a year, usually in Spring and early Autumn when the day and night air temperatures are above 10° (to assist with drying times) and when dry periods of at least 2 to 3 days can be expected. Decking oil should never be applied in damp, wet or cold conditions.
Decking oils are very easy to apply and maintain, so our recommendation would be to periodically inspect the surface and if the deck is starting to look worn, tired or is losing any of its water repellent properties, simply apply a fresh maintenance coat to restore its look and protective properties.

How to Apply – Manns Premier UV Decking Oil.
Hi I’m Ben O’reilly from Wood Finishes Direct and, in this video, I’m going to be demonstrating my favorite way to apply the Mann’s Premier UV Decking Oil unsure if it’s the Mann’s for the job well don’t worry check out our before you buy video if you haven’t already now.
Like every superhero has a sidekick the Mann’s Premier UV Decking all has the Mann’s 147 decking brush its long bristles are great for getting in the grooves on decking boards as well it’s definitely wide enough to finish any decking board size it’s my favorite because it’s just simple as well it can take an extension pole meaning it saves your back during application.
So we’ve done our test area we’ve made sure we’ve chosen the right color I’ve gone for the dark oak because it shows the most effect on film and now we’re ready to apply start by stirring the tin and decanting a little bit into a paint tray now you’re ready for the fun part simply load the brush and dab off all excess then apply thinly and evenly working with the boards and in long even strokes I like to go one board at a time remember to include the sides and edges for maximum protection once applied remove the surplus with a microfiber cloth and leave the dry for around 12 hours application really is that simple so you’ve applied your first coat now all you have to do is apply your second or final coat wipe off any excess and then leave it to dry nice and easy so this is the mock deck that I made up for this video finished with two coats of the dark oak and I’m sure you’ll agree it looks stunning let us know what you think in the comments below.
If you need any further technical advice or information about your project, why don’t you give us a call or email and put us to the test we are the experts after all a full list of all the products featured in today’s video will be in the description on YouTube don’t forget to like and subscribe for all future content and as always always do a test area.
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