In this video Jay from Wood Finishes Direct will show you how to apply the Manns Premier Anti-Bac Cleaner.
Premier Anti-Bac FAQ
What is Manns Premier Anti-Bac Cleaner?
Manns Premier Anti-Bac cleaner is a ready-to-use antibacterial cleaner, not only, as the name suggests it is anti-bacterial, it’s also anti-fungal and anti-viral too covering all the bases when you clean.
Will it work through deep stains?
For deeper stains just leave the spray to work its magic for 2 minutes before wiping it up and repeat as necessary. Then leave to dry then kick back and relax knowing your house is clean and fresh. It’s that easy.

How to Apply – Manns Premier Anti-Bac Cleaner.
Hi I’m Jay from Wood Finishes Direct in this video I’ll be showing you the best application method and my favorite application tools when using the Manns Premier Anti-Bac Cleaner. This is the fun bit so let’s get to it.
The 500ml bottle
Firstly, let’s talk about the 500ml spray bottle, it’s great for day-to-day cleaning. Ideal for use on table tops, doors and other contact points around the home, you can also use it on food preparation areas such as worktops. To use all you have to do is turn the nozzle to the open position and apply to the area to be cleaned and wipe away with a microfiber cloth.
For deeper stains just leave the spray to work its magic for 2 minutes before wiping it up and repeat as necessary. Then leave to dry then kick back and relax knowing your house is clean and fresh. It’s that easy.
If you have one of our mop kits, the anti bac cleaner is the ideal partner for it – great for homes with dogs or children, just use it as you would the existing spray bottle that comes with it, spray and mop. Easy.
If you’re using a regular or string mop, or even a cartridge spray mop pair it with the 5L and use as you would normally! If the area is heavily soiled just as with the spray, allow to sit before mopping off, and repeat as needed.
If you need any further technical advice or information about your project why don’t you give us a call or email and put us to the test we are the experts after all . A full list of all the products featured in today’s video will be in the description on YouTube don’t forget to like and subscribe for all future content and as always always do a test area.
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